Edgar Wright, Drew Goddard and the Beginning of the End at Marvel

Posted by on May 26, 2014 in Big News, The Pictures | 3 comments

In the last three days, we may have seen one of the most successful studio runs in movie history come to a snikting hault. Edgar Wright left Ant-Man due to creative differences, which were apparently dictated by the good folks above Kevin Feige’s head. The next day, Cabin in the Woods director Drew Goddard dropped out as the showrunner for Marvel’s Daredevil TV series. (He’s already been replaced with fellow Wedonite Stephen S. DeKnight.) While Goddard’s departure isn’t unexpected given that he just signed on to direct a big Sinister Six blockbuster over in Sony’s burgeoning Spidey-verse, Wright’s exit that smells of Disney micro management Disney is more concerned about product than movies, we all know that. And replacing director’s isn’t something new, as we’ve seen the door open and close on animators over at Pixar/Disney Animation Studios. A...

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May’s Top Stories: BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN Gets a Pretty Lame Title

Posted by on May 26, 2014 in The Pictures | 1 comment

If writer David Goyer’s contempt for all things comics wasn’t enough, Warner Bros. announced the title of their upcoming Man of Steel sequel, which we’ve been calling Batman Vs. Superman. And it’s pretty stupid. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, apparently based on John Grisham’s classic take on the World’s Finest, makes it clear: Justice League is coming. Don’t worry. All we have to do is sit through another pointless DC movie to get to what we all want to see: The most boring and depressing Justice League adaptation ever. I really do want to be positive about this, but after re-watching Man of Steel, and in the same week watching the season finale of Arrow, I’m certain that whatever Zack Snyder and David Goyer are working on, won’t be entertaining, interesting or even loyal to the mythology. Oh well,...

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May’s Top Stories: David Goyer Hates Women and Comics? Certainly Sounds Like It.

Posted by on May 26, 2014 in The Pictures | 0 comments

I’ve long stated that David Goyer and Christopher Nolan’s Batman universe was grounded in a deep, visceral hatred for both women and comics. When you explain the Nolan side to people, most get it. He has a history of making movies about women who ruin men. But it was harder to pinpoint Goyer’s contempt. Thankfully, David Goyer clarified all this in a recent podcast, where he called She-Hulk “giant green porn star that only the Hulk could fuck.” I’d like to say rarely is misogyny so apparent, but we live in a rape culture, so Goyer’s comments aren’t really that surprising. It is shocking that he said it in such an open forum. But it gets worse, friends. In the same podcast, Goyer insulted the geeks who made him rich by suggesting that anyone who knows of Martian Manhunter...

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May’s Top Stories: DJANGO UNCHAINED The Mini-Series

Posted by on May 26, 2014 in Big News, The Pictures | 0 comments

One of my only complaints about Django Unchained is that Quentin Tarantino’s endlessly entertaining, Oscar-winning Western lacked the heft of some of his more recent productions. It felt like it should have been a four-hour movie, and apparently Tarantino agrees. Tarantino told an audience at Cannes that he’s considering cutting a mini-series version of his hit movie. With the 90-minutes of footage that has yet to be seen, Tarantino’s plan is to do four one-hour chapters out of the existing and unused material. This wouldn’t be the first time in recent years that a mini-series/movie combo release made a splash, though. Back in 2010, director Olivier Assayas did the reverse, turning his IFC mini-series Carlos into a theatrical cut, a film that was easily the best movie released that year. But where would it air? Well, Tarantino’s buddy Robert...

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May’s Top Stories: Gareth Edwards Rides GODZILLA Success to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Posted by on May 26, 2014 in The Pictures | 0 comments

I hated Godzilla. I wasn’t disappointed by it. I wasn’t okay with parts of the movie. I hated it. It wasn’t simply a boring movie. It was a bad movie. Yet a lot of people, for some reason, liked it, much like they like the equally boring Monsters. And the film earned $93 million domestically in its first weekend. Well, folks, be prepared for the most boring Star Warsmovie ever because Godzilla director Gareth Edwards is set to travel to a galaxy far, far away. The man who proved he’s in over his head when it comes to making a blockbuster will take the reigns of the first Star Wars spinoff movie. It’s long been rumored that the first spinoff would involve Boba Fett, a character who I find to be just as boring as Edwards’ Godzilla characters. In this...

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May’s Top Stories: HALLOWEEN Miracle. Complete Box Set On The Way

Posted by on May 26, 2014 in The Pictures | 0 comments

I’m a big fan of box sets. In a world of digital streaming, the box set represents a much more collectible physical item than your one-off Bluray. And I never thought I’d see the day when all of the home video rightholders would come together to release an official Halloween franchise box set. That day, however, will come on September 23 when Scream Factory and Anchor Bay release Halloween: The Complete Collection Bluray set. It’s already on my Amazon Wish List. The only downside to the whole thing is I’ll have to own those two awful Rob Zombie Halloween movies that I’d rather forget...

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