Posted by on Jun 10, 2014 in Posters | 0 comments

I should know better than to get excited about a movie like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtules. Given the creative team behind it and that ridiculous trailer released earlier this year, chances are I will walk out of this movie disappointed. But like Man of Steel before it, nostalgia is giving way to uncontrollable excitement. Adding fuel to this fire is a new set of character posters that do a good job making the Turtles look less creepy than they actually look. Check ’em out:...

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Peyton Reed Gets Marvel’s ANT-MAN Gig

Posted by on Jun 8, 2014 in Big News, The Pictures | 0 comments

Well, that’s disappointing. Just hours after the spectacular David Wain was name dropped as a possible Edgar Wright replacement on Marvel’s Ant-Man, director Peyton Reed, the man who has given us Bring It On (which I love), Yes Man (which I can take or leave) and The Break-Up (which I hate), was announced as the final choice. As a David Wain fan, this is doubly tough. Edgar Wright dropping out was sad, but I get it. David Wain, who could have actually brought something more than benign comedy to the mix, not getting the gig just salts the wound. Oh well, good luck to Mr. Reed. He’s going to need it. We may not get an interesting Ant-Man or an off-beat Ant-Man but at least we’ll get a harmlessly funny one. It’s worth noting that in addition to Reed, Marvel’s first choice replacement, Adam McKay (Anchorman, Step Brothers),...

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Will David Wain Direct ANT-MAN???

Posted by on Jun 7, 2014 in The Pictures | 0 comments

Marvel is certainly struggling to find a director for their franchise property Ant-Man when David Wain‘s name comes up as a potential helmer. The thing is, Wain, who has a long history with star Paul Rudd, may be an even more inspired choice for the picture than Edgar Wright. According to THR, Wain, along with Peyton Reed, is the latest director to come up in the ongoing search for Edgar Wright’s replacement. But Wain, like Guardians of the Galaxy‘s James Gunn, has no business making a blockbuster superhero movie. He lacks visual style. His, let’s say, quirky sense of humor is far from mainstream. And his filmography is full of pictures that don’t match Disney’s family friendly image. He could be perfect. Marvel seems dead set on making Ant-Man a comedy film given the names that have come up in its director search....

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Josh Trank to Direct STAR WARS Standalone Film; Watch His STABBING AT LEIA Short

Posted by on Jun 7, 2014 in The Pictures | 0 comments

If you thought that Josh Trank directing the upcoming Fantastic Four movie was a big deal, now the Chronicle helmer has upgraded his franchise clout, entering the Star Wars universe as the director of an upcoming standalone film. Trank joins Gareth Edwards, who was announced as a Star Wars standalone director last month, in expanding the cinematic SWU with a film that will focus on a single character. It’s speculated that Edwards will take on Boba Fett for a 2016 release. With Yoda and Han Solo films also in the works, Trank’s presumed 2018 picture will take on one of those characters… unless Edwards gets to them first. (A Han Solo movie in 2016 is starting to make the most sense, given his leading role in Star Wars 7.) Whichever character Trank takes on, his exceptional debut with the Chronicle makes me more excited about his film than Edwards, who has directed two...

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Marvel’s DOCTOR STRANGE Gets A Director!

Posted by on Jun 7, 2014 in Big News, The Pictures | 0 comments

While Marvel searches for Edgar Wright’s replacement over on Ant-Man, they’ve locked in the helmer for the highly anticipated adaptation of Doctor Strange. According to Variety, director Scott Derrickson, whose filmography includes Sinister, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and the direct to video sequel Hellraiser: Inferno, is in final talks to take the reigns of a film that could be the next big Marvel superhero franchise. If you aren’t familiar with Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, he’s a former neurosurgeon who protects the Earth from magical threats as its Sorcerer Supreme. Derrickson has a history of turning in solid (and profitable) horror pictures with mystical/religious themes, which very well could mean see Strange versus Daimon Hellstrom (a.k.a. Son of Satan). Ant-Man issues aside, a Doctor Strange film could be pretty epic. I’ve been excited for it ever since he was name dropped in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And now that we...

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The Wachowskis’ JUPITER ASCENDING Moves to 2015

Posted by on Jun 7, 2014 in The Pictures | 0 comments

It may be just a few short weeks before Jupiter Ascending was supposed to hit theaters, but even a July 18 release date hasn’t stopped Warner Bros. from moving the Wachowskis newest film to February 6, 2015. According to the Wrap, the film was pushed back due to incomplete VFX, and not the quality of the film/story… which I totally believe. Because nothing says VFX problems like a seven-month delay, right? So chances are, Jupiter Ascending is a total train wreck, which has been the Wachowskis modus operandi since the original Matrix movie. (Cloud Atlas fans… bring it.) That would explain the new release date more than anything: a dump weekend in February with no holidays to boost a blockbuster. I’m glad I wasn’t excited about this movie in the first place because if I was I’d be seriously depressed right now....

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