Lyons Den Productions Erie, PA Casting Call
OPEN CASTING CALL FOR FEATURE FILM Seeking M/F talent of various ages for several roles in new Lyons Den Productions feature film, “SCHISM”, to be filmed in Erie, PA area. Previous acting experience not required. 2nd Audition/Registration Date: Saturday, September 9th, 12-5PM Erie Playhouse Rehearsal Hall 919 State Street, Erie PA Director: John C. Lyons Website: Role type(s): Lead, Supporting, and Extras (speaking and non-speaking) Pay Scale: Credit and copy, no pay Film projected start date: mid/late September 2006 About the Film and the Filmmaker: Films are rarely made about the residents of an assisted living community or the elderly in general. Sadly, these people are sometimes treated like second class citizens, a burden to their families, and oftentimes forgotten entirely. Our film will center on these wonderful and colorful characters, often full of life and energy, but held back only by...
Confusions of an Unmarried Couple (2006) – ***1/2 The Butler Bros. continue to amaze me. As filmmakers, they have a mental library of great directors they draw upon to make their own works. More importantly, I never feel that they are unworthy of the significant comparisons. Take the Bros. newest film Confusions of an Unmarried Couple, for example. The influences of John Cassavetes are unmistakable. It’s easily the strongest film to date from two of the strongest voices in indie film. But that also means it’s time for them to step it up to the next level of filmmaking. Confusions follows Dan, who months after finding his girlfriend Lisa in bed with another girl decides to collect his belongings from the apartment they shared. Apparently looking for a confrontation, Dan makes sure that Lisa is home before he barges in. An...
Read MoreReview: FACADE
Façade (2004)–**** Façade is a startling and profound film that could have been considered one of those wake-up call movies were it handled differently. Brian Bedard’s first feature avoids that designation to its benefit, so we aren’t distracted from the tragic and personal story that unfolds. The real-time film ominously begins with the words “This film will end in 89 minutes” fading in and then out on a black screen. It may not be as direct as William Holden face down in a swimming pool, but it’s enough to make you realize that Façade is headed toward a heartbreaking end. We meet Harold (Patrick J. Adams), a meek and distressed 19-year-old who spends part of his birthday writing a letter to his dad who is no longer in the picture for unknown reasons. Harold’s mom (Marilyn McIntyre) and her live-in boyfriend Ronnie...
Read MoreMovie Review: BLADE II (2002)
Blade II (2002)–*1/2 More than three years ago, a lesser-known comic book hero became a cult phenomenon. With incredible swordplay and tons of exploding vampires, the Spider-Man spin-off, Blade, became the sleeper hit of the summer of 1998. It was only natural, then, for New Line Cinema to franchise the vampire hunter flick. With a new, more experienced director and a returning screenwriter,Blade II tries to recreate the sophisticated horror tone of the first film while enhancing the electrifying action. When the action takes over, however, the sequel loses its bite. After rescuing his kidnapped and infected mentor Whistler (Kris Kristoferson) from the sinister vampire nation, Blade (Wesley Snipes) is suddenly offered a truce. The vampire nation, facing extermination at the hands of a new breed of vampire known as a Preacher, recruits Blade, Whistler, and the new weapons technician Scud for a...
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