First Look! It’s Grant Gustin In Costume For THE FLASH
Click to Enlarge Wow. That’s about all there is to say today after the Arrow Facebook fan page posted the first image of Grant Gustin in costume as The Flash from the upcoming superhero spin-off series, The Flash. Ever since The Flash was announced, it has made waves because, let’s face it, the Arrow-verse is already about 10 times better than anything Snyder and company have in mind for the DC Cinematic Universe. It’s fun. It’s epic. It’s decidedly more cinematic. With the addition of the spin-off series, which is getting its own pilot rather than a backdoor pilot during Arrow‘s season two run, the ever expanding Arrow-verse just keeps getting better. Berlanti, Kreisberg and Guggenheim...
Read MoreAdam Driver Set To Play The Villain In STAR WARS VII
Do we finally have real solid Star Wars VII casting news? Looks like. Variety is reporting that and other sources like Deadline have confirmed that Girls star Adam Driver has been cast as the main villain in J.J. Abrams’s upcoming Star Wars sequel. While details are still sketchy, Variety’s sources are saying the actor, who was recently featured in the Coens’ Inside Llewyn Davis, is close to signing on the dotted line. Every actor on the planet seems to have been connected to Star Wars VII since the movie was announced, including hot stars like Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor. The Driver news, however, is the first solidly reported bit of casting news outside of the original cast members returning. So what do you think of Driver as the Star...
Read MoreNo Movie Star For Dr. Strange? Kevin Feige Says It’s Possible
When it comes to casting the Marvel heroes, Kevin Feige and company haven’t ever gone with a superstar. But that didn’t stop rumors from circulating that Marvel had its eye on Johnny Depp for the role of Dr. Strange. Well, as it turns Feige unsurprisingly doesn’t think he needs somebody that big for the role. In speaking with IGN, the Marvel uber producer had this to say about the casting process: Doctor Strange would be our — well, depending on when we make it, it could be our 13th, 14th, 15th movie, right? I think if you’re looking to track our decision-making and how we’ve done things, we have a pretty wide track record now where you can sort of see. So, no, a movie star is not required, but that doesn’t mean a movie star wouldn’t be great....
Read MoreWhy Horror Films Need Their Own Oscars
With the main exceptions of The Silence of the Lambs and The Exorcist (which in my opinion should have won the Oscar it was up for), horror films are nearly always ignored come awards season. This is no longer a disappointment to me. In fact, it makes perfect sense given what these awards have become compared to horror’s B-genre classification. Horror used to be considered only a notch below comedy. But, the comedy genre (when done artfully, intelligently or heartwarmingly enough) can actually still get elevated by Academy recognition—think Little Miss Sunshine or even this year’s American Hustle. I have no valid argument to put forth in a debate about whether horror films deserve mainstream industry accolades. I do, however, think they deserve to be considered in a similar way—why can’t an awards show exist that understands the genre...
Read MoreJason Reitman’s LABOR DAY Avoids Being The Nicholas Sparks Movie It Could Have Been
A few weeks ago, I was at a screening of Young Adult with Jason Reitman in attendance. In the post-show QA, Reitman commented that the trailer for his then upcoming film Labor Day with Rhianna’s “Stay” playing on it made it look like a Nicholas Sparks adaptation. That was Reitman’s way of saying the film isn’t the same as a Sparks movie, but he’s only half right. Labor Day very well could have played out like any of the countless Sparks adaptations we’ve endured over the last few years. Its premise, a single mom and her son taken hostage by and then developing a family-like bond with an escaped convict over the long end-of-summer weekend, certainly makes it seem like it could be. Not with Reitman at the helm, though. Instead this motion picture plays out like a thriller,...
Read More5 Buzzworthy Films From Sundance 2014
Twenty years ago, one of my favorite films and filmmakers got their big break, so to speak, at Sundance: Clerks and its mastermind Kevin Smith. This year, keeping up with the buzz surrounding the festival has been particularly exciting for me, with acquisitions being made for some films that seem just as odd and out-there in spirit and charm as Smith’s black and white low budget comedy about nothing had been before ever even being picked up by Miramax and the Weinsteins. Compiling this buzz I’ve been hearing (and doing a little bit of further research into the final distribution rights bought by whom and for what films), I’ve managed to pick five standout selections from Sundance 2014 that I, personally, cannot wait for, and which seem to reflect the festival’s lasting reputation, at least in my mind, as one...
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