The Best Summer Movies of 2013—And What It Even Means To Be A Blockbuster

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in Big News, The Pictures | 0 comments

Summer, though with a definitive start and end date meteorologically (unless we consider global warming’s recent tendency to warm us up earlier than June 21st and keep us sweating into October… but I digress) can carry different meanings for different people when it comes to movie-going. We all know, generally, what films are going to be in a “summer movie preview” of a given magazine, or when all the big blockbusters will start piling up until we’re drowning in a sea of franchise failures and kids-movie merchandising. For me, the summer movie season is ending this week unfortunately, and it began in early May. I preface this post with all this before people read my favorite films of the summer and think to themselves, “well wait a minute that didn’t come out in the summer!” So, I’m taking some...

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