Is Anne Hathaway the Black Cat in SPIDER-MAN 4?

The ever reliable Nikke Finke says Sony Pictures is courting Anne Hathaway for an unknown role in Spider-Man 4. And a role that’s been buzzing on the Internet for the last couple weeks has been that of Black Cat. Put two and two together and you get Anne Hathaway being up for the role of Black Cat in Spider-Man 4.

The Spider-Man animated series that aired in the 1990s has always been my touchstone for the series, not because I didn’t read comic books, but rather I just didn’t read Spider-Man. While Anne Hathaway doesn’t strike me as the perfect Cat, she does have an edginess that ambushes you because of her soft exterior. It could make her a great villian, especially in Raimi’s Spidey world.

What do you think of Anne Hathaway as Black Cat?

One Comment

  1. *cries in Raimiverse…??

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