CORIOLANUS trailer, directed by Ralph Fiennes

High school English teachers, prepare to celebrate. Icon Entertainment just unleashed this epic trailer for Ralph Fiennes’s directorial debut, Coriolanus. Now you can just play this at the start of every quarter and say, “William Shakespeare is effing awesome.”

Synopsis by way of indieWIRE:

Caius Martius ‘Coriolanus’ (Fiennes), a revered and feared Roman General is at odds with the city of Rome and his fellow citizens. Pushed by his controlling and ambitious mother Volumnia (Redgrave) to seek the exalted and powerful position of Consul, he is loath to ingratiate himself with the masses whose votes he needs in order to secure the office. When the public refuse to support him, Coriolanus’s anger prompts a riot which culminates in his expulsion from Rome. The banished hero then allies himself with his sworn enemy Tullus Aufidius (Butler) to take his revenge on the city.

Coriolanus, directed and starring Ralph Fiennes with Gerard Butler,Brian Cox and Vanessa Redgrave, hits theaters in December.

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