Firefox 3 is killing me
I try to stay on the topic of popular culture here at TFC Journal, which I why I first have to justify complaining about Firefox 3.
As browsers go, few have garnered as much attention as Firefox has. The release of Firefox 3 had all the fanfare of a Grand Theft Auto debut or a Marvel superhero picture opening. It set a record for the most downloads in a 24-hour period (8.2 million) with help from old media superstars like Steven Colbert. It was supposed to be a big step forward, eating up IE market share and dominating the browser wars like Netscape, the first dominant browser, once had.
Well, I’m not using Firefox anymore. The complaint that Firefox’s earlier versions ate up your PC’s memory was supposed to be solved. But instead, we get a browser that is hardly functional for heavy tab users like myself. Hell, with Firefox 3, I couldn’t run a YouTube video while loading a near 100 percent text article in another tab. Running four or five tabs, which I often do, was impossible, literally impossible. Firefox 3, you suck.
So this blog post is coming at you from Safari for Windows. Download that today. It has its quirks if you are a Windows user, but hell, at least it allows me to watch a video and read something Wikipedia at the same time.