Big 6: SCAREFACE reunion, UP house, more

Posted by on Aug 24, 2011 in Big News, The Big 6 | 0 comments

Pacino, Scarface cast celebrate film’s legacy Part of the charm of the film, Pacino said, is that it wasn’t initially a hit. “It’s one of my favorites because of its whole evolution,” he said. “It (was) sort of eviscerated after it opened by the press. … Nobody was fond of it, except it had good audience participation.” Read the full AP article Disney Allows Reproduction of ‘Up’ House in Utah This is a company that once forced a Florida day care center to remove an unauthorized Minnie Mouse mural. More recently, Disney told a stonemason that carving Winnie the Pooh into a child’s gravestone would violate its copyright. So how is a homebuilder in this Salt Lake City suburb getting away with selling a near-identical copy of the floating house in the Disney-Pixar film Up? Read the full NY Times article...

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Big 6: OH BROTHER soundtrack at 10, more

Posted by on Aug 23, 2011 in Big News, The Big 6 | 0 comments

 ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ soundtrack grows with age A decade later, the “O Brother” soundtrack ranks as one of the 200 bestselling albums of all time, according to the Recording Industry Assn. of America. It’s been certified platinum eight times over for sales of more than 8 million copies.  Read the full LA Times article Streaming Video’s Emerging Bounty The shelves of the two leading services, Netflix Instant and Hulu Plus, seem to be full of films you’ve never heard of, arranged in no particular order. The latest hits haven’t arrived yet, and there’s no one around to help you out except for the digital equivalent of the surly, underpaid clerk: those “recommended for you” algorithms that pretend to know your taste but come up with the oddest suggestions imaginable. Read the full NY Times article Pop-up cinemas: top...

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Big 6: IRON MAN 3, Remembering 1982, more

Posted by on Aug 22, 2011 in Big News, The Big 6 | 0 comments

 ‘Iron Man 3′ and Robert Downey Jr. start Shane Black era “My sense of it is that we need to leave it all on the field — whatever that means in the end,” Downey said of the May 2013 film. “You can pick several different points of departure for that.”  Read the full LA Times article With Conan and The Thing back at the cinema it’s like 1982 all over again In 1982 there was an unprecedented investment in the fantastic. Subjects that would previously have been confined to B-movies, to exploitation flicks, to drive-in fodder became the stock-in-trade of the mainstream. It was a year that changed Hollywood, a year that the movies have never quite recovered from. Read the full UK Guardian article What Spooks the Masters of Horror? JAMES GUNN, director of Slither: I saw Henry: Portrait...

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