Law Abiding Citizen poster
I’ve already professed my love for F. Gary Gray, so despite the fact that this poster looks like it’s for a boxing match, I’m happy to post it. If you missed the trailer, you can catch it here. Law Abiding Citizen, directed by F. Gary Gray and starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx, opens on Oct....
Read MoreBrief Interviews with Hideous Men trailer
Jim from The Office is a director now? Well, it worked for J.D. from Scrubs. This Sundance fave, adapted for the screen and directed by John Krasinski, hits theaters starting on Sept. 25. From IFC Films: Brief Interviews with Hideous Men is a darkly funny and disturbing exploration of the book by David Foster Wallace, and features an all-star cast that includes Oscar-winner Timothy Hutton, Ben Shenkman, Christopher Meloni, Ben Gibbard, Will Arnett, Chris Messina, Bobby Cannavale, Will Forte, Dennis O’Hare, Lou Taylor Pucci, Max Minghella, and Julianne Nicholson. Check out the poster after the...
Read MoreDC Comics becomes DC Entertainment – TFC Morning Report
Top Story: Warner Bros. has responded to the Marvel-Disney merger by restructuring DC Comics. The new company, called DC Entertainment, will be headed by Diane Nelson, who has overseen the Harry Potter franchise and managed direct-to-DVD originals, including DC Universe releases, under Warner Premiere. And still, Bruce Timm, the only man who has consistently overseen great DC properties, is not in charge of all aspects of DC Entertainment. Good luck to Nelson, but I wonder if Warner Bros. is ever going to learn. (Variety) In Other News: What do Micheal Stipe, Tom Hanks and Barry Manilow have in common? An upcoming romantic comedy apparently. Stipe’s Single Cell and Hanks’ Playtone have joined forces for a romantic comedy complemented by Barry Manilow’s catalog of songs. (Variety) Bryan Fuller and Bryan Singer are teaming up for a television series based on...
Read MoreQuotables: Melrose Place – Episode 101
“I love love, I just hate monogamy.” –Ella on Jonah’s suggestion that she fall in love and settle...
Read MoreTolkien suited settled, Hobbit a go – TFC Morning Report
Top Story: New Line has settled a profit participation suit brought on by HarperCollins and the Tolkien Trust. While the details are confidential, one thing is certain: the suit clears the way for New Line and MGM to move forward with The Hobbit movies, directed by Guillermo Del Toro. The films are scheduled to shoot next year for 2011 and 2012 releases. (Variety) In Other News: R&B singer-songwriter Ne-Yo and six others will join Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan and Michael Pena in Columbia’s sci-fi war epic Battle: Los Angeles. (THR) IFC has snagged the U.S. distribution rights to Mia Hansen-Love’s Father of My Child. The French import will hit the States in 2010. (THR)...
Read More‘The Final Destination’ takes Labor Day box office – TFC Morning Report
Top Story: The Final Destination remained atop the box office taking in a lackluster $15.4 million over the 4-day holiday weekend and narrowing holding of Inglourious Basterds, which took in $15 million. Amazing what 3D can do, isn’t it? (erc BoxOffice) In Other News: Remember that synopsis for Rambo V that was floating around the trades the other day? Yeah, totally wrong. Looks like Rambo V: The Savage Hunt will pit John Rambo against a monster created by the U.S. military. (AICN) Nicolas Cage will star in the thriller The Hungry Rabbit Jumps for director Roger Donaldson. (THR) Fin....
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