Christian Bale Is David Fincher’s First Choice For Steve Jobs
You have Aaron Sorkin as your writer. You have David Fincher as your director. And you have Scott Rudin as your producer. How do you take a project that the eyes of the world will be watching and move it to the next level: Hire Christian Bale for the lead.
The Wrap is reporting that the Oscar winner is David Fincher’s top choice for the role of Steve Jobs in the upcoming biopic from Sony. Bale, who most recently received an Oscar nomination for his role inĀ American Hustle, is great playing larger-than-life personalities (and he can do an angry outburst like no other). He may have been born to play the great American innovator.
I’ve been critical of Christian Bale in the past, because without a proper directorial hand, he can chew the scenery (see The Fighter). But Fincher isn’t one to let his actors go balls-to-the-wall crazy without giving it some meaning.
Though if Christian Bale doesn’t work out, there’s always this guy:
What do you think?