HEROES Is Coming Back To NBC For Some Reason…


No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that NBC’s superhero saga Heroes was worth my time, I always ended up hating the show. Not just casually dismissing it. Not just ignoring it. No, I hated the show.

Outside of one episode is season one written by Bryan Fuller chronicling the history of Horn-Rimmed Glasses, the show never even came close to being top shelf genre fare. It just sucked.

So it comes as a surprise that the show that started and ended on a whimper is coming back to NBC in 2015 for a 13-episode miniseries. The program, titled Heroes Reborn (snooze), won’t bring back many of the show’s major character, which is probably a good thing. But it will bring back Tim Kring, the man who made the show as bad as it was. 

If NBC had any sense, they would have invited Hannibal showrunner Bryan Fuller back to make the show because at least he would have added some creativity to what has to be the dullest, stupidest entry in superhero cinema/television in the last 30 years. And yes that includes X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

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