There’s An IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE Sequel In The Works For Some Reason


Well, it looks like George Bailey has a completely valid reason to kill himself.

Some jerks over at Star Partners and Hummingbird Prods. have decided that, no cow being sacred in Hollywood, it’s a good idea to make a follow-up to Frank Capra’s 1946 holiday masterpiece It’s A Wonderful Life. Because nothing says Christmas like mindless product consumption.

According to VarietyKarolyn Grimes, who played George Bailey’s daughter Zuzu in the original film, will return to play an angel who shows Bailey’s asshole grandson a better world without him in it. So not only is it a sequel, but is pretty much undercuts the vibe of the original film? Brilliant.

Generally, I’m okay with giving most anything a chance. Hell, I didn’t even feel terrible when they decided to remake RoboCop. I just shrugged my shoulders and  moved on knowing that it will never stand up against the original. But Verhoeven’s masterpiece isn’t an annual event, screening on TV and in theaters consistently now since the film debuted. This is remaking Citizen Kane or actually producing the mythic sequel to Casablanca. Something are better left untouched.

So enjoy an unsullied It’s a Wonderful Life while it lasts. After 2015, we’ll have to live with the fact that a sequel exists.


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