The Critics, Not Major Suckage, Killed THE LONE RANGER, According To The Cast And Crew
Most people would consider The Lone Ranger to be a critic-proof blockbuster. Well, that’s just not so, at least according to the film’s cast and crew. The team behind the bloated summer flop, featuring a character who hasn’t been popular since the 1950s and an obviously racist depiction of a Native American, is blaming the critics who couldn’t bring down Transformers or its sequels for the film’s failure.
In an interview with Yahoo! Movies UK & Ireland, pretty much everyone involved in the film decided to point the finger at critics who were apparently gunning for the project to fail. You can watch the full interview to see this epic disconnect from reality if you want. But let me point to two very telling quotes.
From Armie Hammer:
This is the deal with American critics. They’ve been gunning for our movie since it was shut down the first time. And I think that’s probably when most of the critics wrote their initial reviews. […] They tried to do the same thing with to World War Z, it didn’t work, the movie was successful. Instead they decided to slit the jugular of our movie.
Of course, the difference between World War Z and The Lone Ranger is that Z was both completely in tune with what audiences want and lauded by critics once they realized the movie was, you know, watchable. (World War Z had a Metacritic score of 63/100 while The Lone Ranger had a 37/100.)
And now from the film’s director Gore Verbinski:
Our movie is not a sequel, and it doesn’t have giant robots and the Lone Ranger can’t fly. I think we’re counter-programming. So, if you want to see something different, come see the movie. It’s odd to be given a lashing because of that.
And nothing makes more sense than a $250 million attempt at counter-programming.
Sorry, guys. The movie just sucked. And did I mention that it is racist? (Because nothing says “We’re not racist” like Johnny Depp’s “I’m 1/1000th Cherokee Or Creek or Chickasaw” PR blitz ahead of the movie.)
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