Quickie: The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)–***
Quickie Review

After being laid off from his job as a Boeing engineer, Steve Wiebe utilizes his obsessive personality and engineering-oriented mind to beat world champion Donkey Kong player Billy Mitchell’s high score. But Mitchell and his gang of devotees won’t let Wiebe take Billy’s record away that easily. An enthralling, emotional documentary, The King of Kong may be one of the best competition (sports?) films ever created. Rarely does any movie demand so much investment in its characters while so effortlessly telling their story. Sports genre techniques, flawless editing and a cast of characters too bizarre to be made up results in a cinematic gem you have to love.


  1. Billy Mitchell is the ideal video game villain, nappy facial hair and everything

  2. Too bad Steve Wiebe couldn’t beat Billy’s score the other day. Never thought I’d ever see myself watching someone play Donkey Kong on Justin.TV, but it was riveting.

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