Hollywood for Ugly People: Man O’ Steele says ‘sawee’ to King Rush

To: allmembers@gop.org
From: Michael Steele (manosteele@gop.org)

Subject: King Rush

Whatever you do, don’t fuck with the Limbaugh.


Mikey, Party Chair

The GOP’s Man O’ Steele apologized to Rush Limbaugh today for calling the entertainer who says incendiary and ugly things an entertainer who says incendiary and ugly things. SLANDEROUS!

POLITICO reports that Steele kinda sorta apologized to King Rush saying:

“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”

Now, I’ve seen this guy on Real Time with Bill Maher and on the Sunday talk shows a number of times. He’s hardly inarticulate.  Though I imagine when he said what he said about Limbaugh on D.L. Hughley’s CNN show, he figured no one was watching.

I do feel bad for the GOP though.  Turning to Rush is like the Dems turning to Michael Moore during times of crisis. I mean, seriously, it’s not like we were rushing to a movie theater to see a movie by Michael Moore in 2004 because we hated the other guys that much. Oh, wait…

I’d like to live in the world of the actual politicians, the one where they don’t have to answer to the guys who get their bases moving. If nothing else, it’s cathartic release until the other side is forced to punt.  I’m just hoping my comrades can keep the ball long enough score.

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