Lyons Den Productions Erie, PA Casting Call


Seeking M/F talent of various ages for several roles in new Lyons Den Productions feature film, “SCHISM”, to be filmed in Erie, PA area. Previous acting experience not required.

2nd Audition/Registration Date:

Saturday, September 9th, 12-5PM
Erie Playhouse Rehearsal Hall
919 State Street, Erie PA

Director: John C. Lyons


Role type(s): Lead, Supporting, and Extras (speaking and non-speaking)

Pay Scale: Credit and copy, no pay
Film projected start date: mid/late September 2006

About the Film and the Filmmaker:
Films are rarely made about the residents of an assisted living community or the elderly in general. Sadly, these people are sometimes treated like second class citizens, a burden to their families, and oftentimes forgotten entirely. Our film will center on these wonderful and colorful characters, often full of life and energy, but held back only by circumstances beyond their control. The intent of the film is not to show the staff or facility in a bad light, but to realistically portray the hard work that the staff does on a daily basis and to show the struggles that the residents experience.

The story will cover a mix of genres: drama, comedy, romance, and thriller. The focus will be on Neil, a man entering the facility with a hip fracture, as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s, and follow him from his first day in the home. Neil enters the facility unhappy with the changes occurring in his life and surroundings, but soon discovers comfort and friendship in the residents and staff. He deals with the reality of no longer being a priority in his family’s life as well as the death of a close friend in the home. As his dementia progresses Neil and the viewer may wonder if everything he’s seeing and hearing is really happening.

John C. Lyons’ last film “Hunting Camp” was made in and around the Erie area featuring local talent and locations. The film made seven film festivals (winning “Best of the Fest” honors at two of them), playing in cities across the country in the last year, and premiered for a weekend at the Erie Art Museum last spring to a crowd of 400+. The subject matter of this new film hits close to home for Lyons as well as for potential viewers with aging family members. Over 70 people attended the film’s first audition on August 26th.

Seniors! If you have always wanted to be in a movie, don’t miss this opportunity!

Audition Information:
Everyone will register and have their photo taken at the audition. For speaking roles, there will then be a screen test and basic reading of lines from the script (provided at the audition and posted online September 7th). Those interested in non-speaking roles can email us a photo and contact information, or register at the audition, and will be notified at a later date once the production schedule is finalized. Specific roles and descriptions listed on page 2. For more information, call John at 814-833-0851 or go to If you are interested, and cannot make this date, please contact us.

Lyons Den Productions

“SCHISM” auditions

Seeking the following speaking roles:

Neil Woodard: 60’s and older. Male. Lead role. A hip fracture causes him to be wheelchair bound for most of the film. Served in the military and later became a businessman.

Roger: 60’s and older. Male. Supporting role. Closest friend of Neil’s in the nursing facility. Wheelchair bound for latter part of film. A college grad writer and ladies man.

Martha: 60’s and older. Female. Suporting role. Part of Neil’s core group of friends in the facility. Was head cheerleader in gradeschool.

Gertie: 60’s and older. Female. Supporting role. Part of Neil’s core group of friends in the facility. Won’t go anywhere without her orange juice.

Rufus: 60’s and older. Male. Supporting role. Part of Neil’s core group of friends in the facility.

Tammy: 30’s/40’s. Female. Friendly, sweet nursing aid. Must be able to convincingly help Neil into his wheelchair.

Amy: 20’s. Female. Receptionist at facility. Flirty and friendly.

Elaine Dombrowski: 30’s/40’s. Female. Head Nurse at facility. Strick.

Bob Dombrowski: 40’s/50’s. Male. Director of the facility.

Kathy: 40’s/50’s. Female. Neil’s oldest daughter. Very work-oriented.

Tim: 40’s/50’s. Male. Kathy’s husband. Equally work-oriented.

Kristen: late-teens/20’s. Female. Neil’s youngest daughter. Sweet, starting college.

Sam: late-teens/20’s. Male. Kristen’s boyfriend. Starting college.

Kellie: 8-11. Female. Tim and Kathy’s daughter/Neil’s granddaughter. Energetic,active.

Edward: 60’s and older. Male. Grumpy and negative resident.

Ms. Clark: 30’s/40’s. Female. Admissions Coordinator for the facility.

Steve: 20’s/30’s. Male. Hospital Employee who brings new residents to the facility.

Confused Lady: 60’s and older. Female. Resident that mistakes Sam as her son.

Miss Platz: 40’s/50’s. Female. Activities Director in facility. Always upbeat.

Jessica: 20’s/30’s. Female. Neil’s night shift nursing aid. Nice. Less personable than Tammy.

Person in Suit 1: 40’s/50’s. M/F. Makes comments during staff meeting.

Person in Suit 2: 40’s/50’s. M/F. Makes comments during staff meeting.

Teddy: 60’s and older. Male. Resident that eavesdrops on staff meeting.

Esther: 60’s and older. Female. Confused lady who, in her mind, is always going on vacations..

Bingo Announcer: 60’s and older. M/F. Energetic resident.

Evelyn: 30’s/40’s. Female. Neil’s wife from his past.

Social Worker: 40’s/50’s. M/F. Administers tests to Neil.

Limping Man: 60’s and older. Male. Doesn’t need to have real limp, sneaks up on Neil in the dark, scaring him.

Man in Apron: 20’s/30’s/40’s. Male. Large and scary.

Various Nursing Staff: various ages. M/F. Minimal lines possible.

Various Dining Room Staff: various ages. M/F. Minimal lines possible.

Various Maintenance Staff: various ages. M/F. Minimal lines possible.

Various Residents: 60’s and older. M/F. Minimal lines possible.

Non-speaking roles:

Dancing Couple: 60’s and older. M/F. Must be good dancers (to Latin jazz music)

Dietary Aid: 30’s/40’s/50’s. M/F.

M/F various ages (residents, visiting families, various staff, and the “Strangers”)

One Comment

  1. Hello my name is Sandra Muñoz I’m.originally from south American my beautiful country Colombia I’m 32 years old.
    My question is Can I still audition even know I have s strong accent?
    My contact number is 814-873 8404

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